Veggie Curry


 “Everything but the kitchen sink…”

Tuesday is my regular grocery day, so on Monday I like to go through the fridge and try to use up as much as I can. And this vegetable curry is the perfect way to do that. Simple process, simple ingredients...and a great way to get lots of veggies into your meals. Serve it as a main dish with an added protein or throw an egg on it and call it’s versatile, nourishing and full of flavor!


2 T oil of your choice (I used coconut)

¼ c diced onion

1 clove garlic, minced

1 T fresh ginger, minced

3 T red curry paste (or more for more heat)

1 can coconut milk

⅔ - 1 c broth (I used my homemade bone broth)

1 T coconut aminos

1 T tahini

1 T fresh lime juice

Chopped cilantro, lime wedges and slivered almonds for garnish

~3 c diced veggies (I used sweet potato, fingerling potato, bell pepper, zucchini, mushrooms, kales & tomatoes)


Heat oil in large pot over medium heat. Add onion and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and ginger and cook until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add curry paste and stir to combine with onions, garlic and ginger, cook about 1 minute to bring out the curry flavors. Next, whisk in coconut milk broth and coconut aminos. Bring up to a simmer. Stir in your hard vegetables (sweet potatoes/potatoes, carrots, etc) and cook at a simmer, stirring occasionally for 20 minutes. Next add softer vegetables (peppers, zucchini, mushrooms) and cook an additional 10 minutes (I also added some kale at the very end). Stir in lime juice, taste, and adjust seasonings. Garnish with cilantro, slivered almonds and lime wedges.