Gluten and Dairy Free Taco Bowl

Being low on groceries left me searching for dinner ingredients in my cabinets and fridge. I came up with a simple gluten and dairy free Taco Bowl based on stuff I had on hand, and it turned out to be tasty and satisfying!

Taco Bowl.JPG

Ingredients (serves 2)

-1 plantain, thinly sliced

-2-3 T avocado oil

-1/2 cup brown or white rice

-1 T tomato paste

-taco seasoning (I use paprika, chili powder, onion powder, garlic powder, and cayenne)

-1/2 pound of ground beef


  1. I started with the rice first and cooked according to the package directions (and added some tomato paste, cumin, and paprika after it was done for some extra flavor)

  2. While rice cooked, I thinly sliced a plantain and fried in avocado oil on medium high for 6-8 minutes, flipping occasionally. (I added some salt here!)

  3. While the plantain was frying, I cooked the rice according to the instructions and added some tomato paste, cumin, and paprika after it was done for some extra flavor.

  4. I browned the ground beef and used my usual taco seasoning mix (listed above, but you can use whatever seasoning you like!)

  5. I added everything to a bowl with some shredded lettuce, topped with hot sauce, and called it a night. Done and done.

    What would you add to this bowl?